This feature allows to send commands over battery SMBus.

Type the command or open .SMB file then press CTRL+ENTER to execute.

You can enter any number of commands each after another.

Each command on separate line.

Syntax is very simple.

Supported protocols:
Read word (rw)
Write word (ww)
Read block (rbl)
Write block (wbl)
Send command (sc)

The commands have the following format:

Read word (rw):
rw aa f
Where: aa - address, f - output format (optional).
Valid output formats for this command: d - date, i - integer, b - binary and hex if empty.

Write word (ww):
ww aa dddd
Where: aa - address, dddd - data to write.

Read block (rbl):
rbl aa f
Where: aa - address, f - output format (optional).
Valid output formats for this command: a - ascii and hex if empty.

Write block (wbl):
wbl aa dddddddddd
Where: aa - address, dddd - data to write.
Data must be a sequens of bytes in hex format witout spaces between them.
For example write ManufacturerName (ABCD) to BQ20Zxx chip:
wbl 20 41424344

Send command:
sc aa
Where: aa - address in HEX

Battery address
ba aa

Where aa -  battery  address in HEX

Getback to standard address:

ba 16

To save a set of commands save it as *.smb file.
Only command lines will be saved and you can reuse this set later.
You can find example (test.smb) in your installation directory:

rbl 22 devicechemistry hex
rbl 21 a devicename ascii
ww 0 1 write to address 0
rw 0 i read device id
rw 10 i fcc
rw 16 b batterystatus binary

To save whole result save it as *txt.